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          BASKERVILLE - a Sherlock Holmes Mystery


          Show 3

          Bright Star


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        • Tickets

        • Tickets can be purchased online, by phone, or in-person.

        • Special Events

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        • Theatre Location

        • 1601 East 27th St
          Scottsbluff, NE 69361

          In the Platte Valley Performing Arts Center on the Western Nebraska Community College Campus.

        • Outside of Theatre West Building.

Donor Circles

Theatre West is YOUR community theatre organization. It is generously supported In-Kind by Western Nebraska Community College and is guided and directed by community members and a large group of volunteers.

Thank You

Our presence allows opportunity for friends and neighbors to participate in live theatre along-side professionals. Your generous contributions to our 501-C3 organization helps provide opportunities for professional directors and designers, collegiate and graduate students, and talented community members while presenting live theatre to audience members from within our greater community.

Log of Western Nebraska Community College in gold and blue "W"

Marquee Sponsor

Western Nebraska Community College

Western Nebraska Community College generously houses Theater West and its activities throughout the year.

Foundation Circles

Nebraska Arts Council
Fliesbach Family Foundation
G.A. Fliesbach Foundation
Quivey Bay State Foundation
Oregon Trail Community Foundation
The Lockwood Foundation
C. W. Yount Foundation
Hiner Foundation Fund
Martin Family Charitable Fund

Sustainers Circles

Harriett Aden
Mary Barkeloo
Gail Bruflat
Sue Bringelson
Judy Chaloupka
Maren Chaloupka
Mike Coste
Mat & Pam Hebbert
Janet Johnson
Rick & Suzanne Myers
Connie & Dennis Ostendorf
Mark & Bev Overman
Nelda Robinson
Jaime Spath
Toni Warburton
John & Kammie Wilson
Chuck & Patti Winkler
Mary Winn
Anonymous (2)

Sustainer Sponsor

Platte Valley Companies

Thank you Platte Valley Companies for generously giving a $5,000 contribution to Theatre West Summer Repertory for the 2023 Sustaining Fund Match Challenge.

The Sustainers Circle is comprised of those donors who give regular monthly donations to Theatre West. These monthly gifts allow our organization to subsist and operate in stability throughout the twelve months of each year.

Donor Circles


Deanna Sue Hobson
Kelley Bean Company
Liz Nagaki
Shirley Weihing
Eric & Kristin Wiebe
Tom & Mary Winn


Judy Chaloupka
Ezdan & Lisa Fluckiger
Island Law Office
Bill & Gretchen Peters
TEAM Auto Center


Cara Acino
American Family Insurance
Harriett Aden
Mary Barkeloo
Vince & Vicki Bjorling
Violette & Richard Briggs
Charlotte Browning
Jeremy & Jaime Clodfelter
E & H CPA’s
First National Bank of Omaha
Tim & Laura Friedlein
Don & Meredyth Gentry
Keegan & Janel Harkins
Brent & Susan Holliday
Holliday Family of Companies
Rick & Judy Keller
Randy & Tami Lippstreu
Little IT House
Jud & Sue Martin
Riverstone Bank
Pat & Barb Ropp
Michael & Julie Schaff
John & Catherine Simmons
Mike & Brenda Sindt
Valley Wealth Management
Dr. Thom & LaRita VanBoskirk


Carl & Dawn Boyd
CARE Chiropractic
Carol Enderle
Joan Fisher
Fisher Roofing & Restoration
Deb & Lee Glenn
Patty Gritzfeld
Stan Haemmelmann
Zac & Cristina Karpf
Don & Nancy Kepler
Ann Koehler
David & Joan Koehler
Sandy Massey
David & JoAnn Nash
Jan Gonda Newell
Howard & Peggy Olsen
Wil & Shari Packard
Mary Robinson
Scott & Jennifer Reisig
Simmons Olsen Law Firm, P.C.
Steve & Becki Thomlison
Wills Chiropractic


Julie Fancher
Elaine and Bob Pile
Erin Rath
Connie Russel
George & Barbara Schlothauer
Peggy Wolfe

Join a Donor Circle

Theatre West is YOUR community theatre organization. It is generously supported In-Kind by Western Nebraska Community College and is guided and directed by community members and a large group of volunteers.